Jan 9, 2017
2017 Sponsorship of Cyprus Red Cross Society

For the 4th year in a row, Hadjihannas & Partners Accountants Ltd is supporting the Cyprus Red Cross Society by undertaking the sponsorship of the 2017 desk Calendar. This year we are changing the colors a bit, going with the FinExpertiza Cyprus pink!
2014th Calendar carried the theme “European Year for Reconciling Work and Family Life”, followed by the 2015th and “European Year for Development Dedicated to Poverty Eradication”. 2016th “The need is real; the time is now” was dedicated to children and has made a great impact on our friends and associates. We can only hope for the 2017th “Actions, Not Words” Calendar to make our efforts worth and inspire people to get more involved in their societies by helping wherever and whenever help is needed.
Our 2017th Calendar is making a statement for every time the Red Cross Team has put other peoples’ needs above their own and helped improve living conditions, fought disease, stopped the poverty, offered education and gave hope for a better future. Acta Non Verba. Actions, not words, said the ancient Romans. A motto and a code to live by for the people that want to make a change, maintaining their purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles or discouragement.