Dec 18, 2019
FinExpertiza Cyprus AML Seminar in Minsk Belarus

Focusing on further development of compliance requirements, Michael Hadjihannas, Managing Partner with FinExpertiza Cyprus, held a Seminar earlier today 18th December 2019, in the Business Centre Victoria Olympic in Minsk, Belarus.
Michael noted that ‘…as obligated entities, we are required to identify and take responsible measures to understand the ownership and control structure of our clients. We need to be able to assess the money laundering and terrorist financing risks and take adequate AML & CFT measures to mitigate these risks effectively. It is important that the participants of our Seminar today – business owners, c-suite executives, audit & tax professionals, lawyers – are aware of the continuous development of the AML Directives, especially when it comes to the 6th and the latest AML Directive of the European Union.’