Oct 27, 2023
6th FinExpertiza Global Conference in Kazakhstan

6th FinExpertiza Global Conference was successfully held on 26th and 27th October 2023 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, where the representatives of the member-companies of the FinExpertiza Network from 17 countries discussed the strategies to address the emerging audit challenges and the impact on the financial industry.
In his extensive presentation Michael Hadjihannas, Development Director of FinExpertiza Global in Europe, called on his international audience to explore how they, as auditors, can navigate uncertainty and embrace change. The speaker addressed the evolving challenges the audit profession is facing today, and pinpointed the emerging trends in their professional field.
The top 10 emerging audit challenges, according to Michael Hadjihannas, include talent management, digital audit & cybersecurity risks, remote auditing, regulatory compliance, audit quality control standards, fraud detection, complex structures & international auditing, code of ethics, sustainability & ESG reporting, and data protection.
“Auditors must adapt to the challenges by staying informed, employing sound audit methodologies and using technology to enhance their processes. Additionally, maintaining professional skepticism and independence is fundamental to ensuring the integrity of the audit process,” cautioned Michael Hadjihannas.
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